Thursday, January 8, 2009

What an "Idea" for social media

Idea Cellular’s latest campaign dubbed ‘Democracy for all’ which calls for participative governance wherein every citizen equipped with a cell phone is empowered to voice his opinion to the highest echelons of power, where it is uncharacteristically heard.

It has many parallels with the social media universe and what we as responsible practitioners, end users of this dynamic medium profess and would like organizations to understand.

Technology affords us a unique chance to gather valuable feedback from consumers. It is important not only to tap the uncharted potential of New Media but also put in systems and processes which aid in listening and participating in conversations, be an integral part of the global technology tribe.

Also, a comprehensive social media campaign would hold ground and prove to be of real value to a company or an individual when its worth is be measured in terms of direct benefit to its core consumers which adds immense value to the brand’s equity.

Just as the commercial represents a two-way communication paradigm between the government and common citizens, there is a need for corporates to step out of their self imposed silos and bond with the world out there.

Also, if you noticed, the advert ends with a definite “call to action” which results in an outcome. This element is often over looked by online brand mangers where many campaigns are banged out with tricked out tools but without an end result or consumer engagement as the key element.

The whole thing ends up being an “observation deck” for audiences that they look to engage. The key is to ‘converse with users’ and not ‘talk at audiences’.

As the debate rages on about the best practices to be adopted and the impact of emerging technologies on digital communication there is a lot of soul searching that needs to be done on what is professed and truly being practiced. Not only in India, but globally.

Few links which give some insight into Idea’s campaign:

1) Idea's ad with Abhishek Bachchan promotes democracy (Business of cinema) [Link]

2) Exchange4Media write up on the parallel between Rajiv Gandhi setting up call center’s to connect with his constituents via cell phone: p [Link]

3) Idea Cellular’s Democracy for all advertisement on YouTube [Link]


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